Know Why Your Application Gets Rejected on the App Store
Nowadays there are mobile applications for each category of service, whether you want to shop online, making payments, booking tickets, and perform several other tasks online there is an application for the same. It really did not matter what kind of business you own the thing which matters a lot is having a dedicated mobile application for your business. This is the main reason due to which the mobile application development industry has multiplied in leaps and bounds. It has also transformed the way businesses function globally. To build a unique and effective application, mobile application developers have to make use of the latest technologies. Once the application gets approved by the app store businesses can surely find the great benefits from it.
The Apple app stores and Google Play stores open up a completely new acquisition channel for your business. Businesses can generate more revenue through mobile advertising and can also immediately connect and engage their potential customers with the help of push notification. They can share their real-time updates regarding new content, special offers, in-app activity, and many more. Users can easily download the required application right away from the apps store. They can use this application to buy product or services of their choice.
Every day thousands of applications are published to the Apple app stores and Google Play stores. From which some applications are entertainment, games, e-commerce, and others are social networks apps. The mobile application development process typically includes the idea, development, strategy, design, post-launch phases, and deployment, and all mobile applications developers professionally follow a similar process to develop an effective application for all size of business. But sometimes this application does not pass Apple’s and Google's rigorous review process due to various reasons. Listed below are some of the reasons for rejection of the application on Apple and Google app stores.
Bad Performance
If your application looks stunning or entertaining but does not perform well and offers the best ever experience to the customers it will surely get rejected by the app store. If the entry screen of your application causes frustration or confusion and pages take too long to load then the users will surely be unhappy with the application. And the app stores will keep that from happening and reject your application as they expect it to run fluidly and effectively but the application failed to do so.
Hardware and Software Compatibility
It's really important that the application must work on all the latest hardware and software systems. App store has placed extra importance on applications compatibility to run on the iPad. It also stresses the importance of designing applications so that this application doesn’t inefficiently use the resources on devices. If the mobile application can’t work everywhere and on every smart devices app store can reject it. You can hire ios developer who can develop the application according to the guidance of the app store.
Unexpected Crashes and Bugs
Apple and Google app stores don’t approve that applications which carry out explicit crashes and bugs. As this unexpected crashes and bugs can cause full-out system failures. You must ask mobile app developers to test your application performance and ongoing crashes and can get all the crashes fixed first before submitting it to the app store for review.
Effective and Safe Payment Gateways
The application must have effective and safe payment gateways. This ensures the customer to pay online via the app store’s marketplace. When you want to convert your website into a mobile application you must surely opt for the mobile app development solution as it helps you to transfers the traditional payment systems to the effective and secure one. For example, when customers use news application on Apple, they get sell access to news updates, remove ads, content, and so on for a subscription fee, this can simply possible using in-app payment tools from Apple app store.
Unique Applications and Content
The uniqueness of your application matters a lot when it comes to approving it from the app store. You must think twice before developing the application for your business as an app store may not feel that your application is a welcome addition to its market. App stores do not like to waste their users’ and reviewers’ time with a rewrite or copied content. Creating a unique application and content is the best way to avoid app store rejection.
Poor UX and UI
One must go through the App store Human Interface Guidelines before developing the application for your business. This guide carries all the detail information about how to properly design an effective UX and UI that leads to good results. The application must be easy to use which includes your potential customer journey through design, reviewing the navigation, as well as custom features and functionality that have been included in the application. If your application does not comply with standard iOS design specifications then take it back to the drawing board.
Privacy and Broken Links
Broken links and poor privacy is one of the top reasons for rejecting an application on the app store. Before launching your application on the app store you must check each and every page and link to avoid the rejection from the app store. Apple and Google app store has a very strict privacy policy requirement for all kind of applications that appear in the app store. Specifically, your application must be secure for the users then only the app store will approve the same.
If app store like Apple and Google became lenient in its rules and allowed misleading, spammy, and buggy applications into the store, people will not trust app stores ability to provide high-quality apps for their devices. Therefore its, needless to say, that app store is performing its best job. Hence the businesses must invest more energy and time in developing an effective and unique application. If your application is unique and best for the user the app store will surely not reject it, so own the application approved by store and enjoy the perk of success in your business.